My Philosophy
I believe that the client knows best! Like other mammals, we have primal instincts and these are at the forefront of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. To quote Dr Gabor Mate, a renowned child development expert - “part of the art of parenting is just being in touch with your instincts.” I hope to encourage you to trust in yourself and help you work through your own processes, whatever they might be. I want to create a sense of community and bring back the village spirit that’s been lost in western society.
I like to focus on the basic ingredients for a positive birth:
Choice - Looking at all the options so that you can make an informed choice and the best one for you and your baby.
Control - When it comes to a positive birth experience (regardless of the outcome), control is reported to be one of the most important feelings - helping reduce the likelihood of birth trauma and anxiety. Clearly there are things you can’t control when it comes to childbirth but there is also a whole host of things that you can!
Birthrights - how you want your birth to look - where you choose to have your baby - positions - water - music - massage - essential oils - cord/placenta …..
Hormones - here to help elevate stress and relax you, so we can get that oxytocin and serotonin pumping!